Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A good day is…

  • a reasonable amount of sleep
  • a nice country drive for an hour and a half or so, maybe a little Rush on the radio
  • parking in the parking garage instead of the hot sun, which I’m only allowed to do in the summer
  • walking through a quiet campus, seeing lots of teenagers with their moms, all decked out in their new Aggie gear, and no doubt wondering what new experiences the upcoming year will bring
  • locking myself in a tiny library cubicle, writing for an hour and actually enjoying it
  • visiting my writing friend for a sweet time of mutual dissertation encouragement
  • browsing through journals just to see what sorts of things are in them, and noticing that I am now familiar enough with research in my field to recognize a few names
  • looking through book stacks just to see if anything jumps out to me…found a good book! Libraries are amazing places.
  • lugging so many books to the car that they don’t fit in my backpack
  • driving back to Houston without getting sleepy (this is related to getting sufficient sleep the night before)
  • running 6 strong (for me!) miles in the dark
  • going to bed without regrets

It may not be a spectacular day, but if all my days were like this, I wouldn’t have much to complain about.


Dave Renfro said...

Four decades together on this planet and suddenly you discover your sister is a total stranger. I never imagined you would hear Rush on the radio and do anything but change the station immediately! Myself, I like listening to Neil Peart's pompous, narcissistic rant's about his drum soloing ability; he backs it up! But you a fan, I never imagined. And take heart!--I know you're worried about this--those teenagers you saw with their moms: Someday, maybe decades from now, sitting in their cubicles chewing on back pills, they'll find a way to forgive themselves for the money and effort they wasted educating themselves. Does that sound cynical? Sorry. Glad you had a good day!


Jen T said...

Oh yea, love Rush! I have occasionally been guilty of scheduling the TAMU trips so the long drive overlaps with Rush. And yea, it did cross my mind that those students would have some major student loan debt to regret!! I don't wish that on anyone. Thanks for stopping by, Dave!